Almost July!
I can't imagine how much my life will be changing in the next few days. I am only 8 days away from my due date and I expect our little girl to be arriving sooner than that, well at least I hope. I will be 39 weeks tomorrow and I am so ready to meet Moriah. It feels like forever since I have been mommy to a new baby and I can't wait to experience it all over again. I watch baby shows all the time, but on;y when pregnant, and I love the moment when the mom hears the baby's cry fr the first time,I always cry. Alana and Noah are so ready for this to be over, I can tell. Although, they have been so great these last few weeks. Its difficult for me to do much of what I normally did. Laundry, dishes, vacuuming...all these things just hurt right now so they try and help as much as they can and if its something they can't help with, then it just doesn't get done until Gregg gets home.
Noah turned 5 on June 21!!! It was a great day, a hot day, but a great one.We had friends and family over to the house on that Saturday and had cake and the kids all swam and played in the sprinkler...even Gregg played, he is such a kid at heart. Noah got new cowboy boots which I think was his favorite present...he LOVES boots. He also got a lot of great summer water toys which he plays with almost daily. He loves being five, even though he thought he was going to automatically be bigger the day he turned five. He also loves to kiss my belly, he is going to be the best big brother I am so excited for him to meet the baby. Most people think he is so rough but he has the sweetest spirit I have ever see.

Noah at about 3 months Noah 5 years old
Alana went to art camp and still has two softball games but our busy summer is just about done. Right now I have two 5 year olds...Alana will be 6 in a few days and she isn't all that thrilled that this new baby might be messing up her birthday party plans. I told her she could have a slumber party and their is no way that's not happening. I figure if baby is here by her birthday I'll be up anyways why not have a few 6 year old girls thrown on the mix. She surprised me by being as apprehensive as she is about the baby coming, I thought since she was use to having the little brother that the little sister wouldn't bother her but on several occasions she has mentioned that she is afraid no one will pay her any attention because we will all be to bust with Noah and Moriah. I guess she is losing the innocence that Noah still has and doesn't believe that it will all be ok. We are trying to reassure her that the new baby isn't going to be all that great. She is just going to eat, sleep, poop, and cry. That seems to make her feel better because she thought we were just going to spend all our time holding, kissing, and loving on Moriah. I feel bad, we kinda threw Moriah under the bus before she is even here to make Alana feel better but I am confident that it will all work out in the end. She starts 1st grade before long...can you imagine. I can't.
We went to the park Sunday after church and took some pictures...Alana and Noah have their pictures done every year while they are the same age, these are thier 5 year old pictures.

You have such a beautiful family!