It has taken me forever to get the time to sit down and write. Gregg has been so busy with work and I still have not received that burst of energy I was supposed to get in my second trimester, now that I am in the third.
School has been so busy, we are preparing for End of Instruction tests and everything else that goes on at the end of the year. As many of you know one of my freshman English students was critically injured after a car accident. I say after because he was electrocuted and burnt after exiting his vehicle. Brady is a very spirited young man, that's how you say a hand full politely. Seriously, he was always distracting the class and we had several encounters because of his attitude, but in retrospect I would rather have him here stirring up trouble in my class than to be going through all he is going through now. My hear just breaks for him and his family.If you are in the Muskogee area they are having a fundraiser dinner at Runts on Okmulgee St. this Sunday from 11-3. I encourage all that can to help out this family. I have told Brady and his mother several times before the incident that Brady is God's way of preparing me for Noah as a teenager...full of energy and lacking any restraint.
As for Moriah she is just a growing away. I told Gregg if my belly doesn't give soon she is gonna kick out. I am so excited to be 30 weeks, I know it will be here before I know it, and I am in no way prepared but I am ready to see this little gal. I seems like it has been forever since I had a baby and I am so excited.

Noah has had a pretty uneventful past few weeks. He got a baby chicken for Easter and his fascination with animals is just astounding. He has determined that he is going to teach them how to fly. I don't have the heart to tell him that it will learn on its own. So cute to watch him teach it.
Hope everyone is having a great spring. Summer is right around the corner!!!!!!!
I didnt even know chickens could fly.