Saturday, July 11, 2009

Moriah is here!!!!

Sorry to have neglected the blog for so long but I do have a good excuse. Moriah Amberlynn Renee Collins made her grand entrance into this world on July 1, 2009 at 2:02 am. There isn't much of a story to tell because it all happened so fast.
I went to the Dr. on that Tuesday at 1:30 he said..."If you were having contractions I would send you to the hospital and break your water, because your ready and so is the baby. When you start having contractions get to the hospital." So i got home around three that afternoon and told Gregg what he had said. I asked Gregg if he was ready to have this baby and he just laughed and shook his head. I started cleaning the house and around four the contractions started.I decided I would rock in the rocking chair for a while and get them going. It worked great. Gregg took the kids to my mom's house and I took a shower and got things ready. We got to the hospital around 7 that evening and my contractions were every four minuted but not all that regular they would get crazy for a while then get going again. My nurse called my Dr.around 9:30 but couldn't reach him so we waited and she called back and around 10 he said he would head our way. At 11:30 he got there and broke my water. I was a four before he broke it and after I was already 6 cm. My contractions went from uncomfortable to insane in a mater of minutes and I asked for my epidural. That took forever by the time it was done it was 1:30 am, long story short my blood pressure went from 156/90 to 90/52 in just a few minuted and I thought I was gonna pass out. I didn't but laid there for a few minutes and it started to come back up. The nurse checked me and I was 10cm. Ready to go. The got the Dr. and eight pushes later at 2:02 am Moriah came into this world. As soon as she was born the Dr. said "that's a big baby," and she is/was. 8lbs 14.5 oz 21 inches long.
Of course she is just wonderful and we all love her to death. Noah kisses her non-stop and Alana loves to help me do what ever I need.
Not much free time just wanted to give an update.

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